
Melanie Tam 

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers 


Hi everyone! My name is Melanie and I’m a sophomore. On campus, I hold the roles of being the Secretary of Broeklundian Yearbook and being a student volunteer in Student Affairs. I have spent time with USG this school year by attending Senate meetings and volunteering at events, and here I am – running for Senate.   

I make the best candidate for the Senate because the goal of the role resonates a lot with my character. Senators aim to actively represent the needs, concerns, and ideas of students and help their fellow senators. I am passionate about helping & working with others, leadership, taking initiative, and making campus a better place for everyone.  

I have ideas that I can bring to the table like free prescription tests on campus (perhaps USG can collaborate with the Health Clinic on this).  

By being elected, I’d be able to help our campus community on a more extensive scale.  Want something done? Melanie is the one!   

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