Declaring Period: February 24th - March 10th
Eligibility Requirements
Prior to declaring a campaign, please ensure that you meet all the following eligibility requirements:
Only Undergraduate students with at least one semester left may run for any office.
No graduating student will be permitted to run for any office.
Undergraduate students must have a minimum cumulative average of 2.0.
Students shall be permitted to serve in the same office in student government for a maximum of two years.
Instructions on How to Declare a Campaign
To declare a campaign, candidates and sponsors must complete and submit a Campaign Declaration form within the allotted declaration period.
Candidates can declare their candidacy here
Upon submitting the form, a campaign shall receive petition forms and shall become a “Declared Campaign”.
Upon declaration of a campaign, students seeking office shall become “Declared Candidates”, groups or individual students sponsoring referenda shall become “Declared Sponsors”.
Declarations not submitted in accordance with these regulations shall be considered null and void.
Fill out this google form to declare your candidacy:
Information about CWERC (College-Wide Election Review Committee) 2024–25 can be found here
Please make sure to check the slideshow above for the most updated presentation!